Thursday, April 9, 2015

How It All Began

Hi my name is Adam Ziats, I never thought I would be a stay at home dad if  you were to ask me this 3 years ago. Well how it happen? let me tell you, it all begin when I would say I was 22 or 23 I believe. I was working in warehouses and at that time did a lot of lifting. One day, I noticed something wasn't right. I had a strange lump on my stomach and I of course went to the Dr. and I had a hernia. I had surgery and got that taken care of. Well, I thought that would be end of hernias right?. Well, the following year got another one, and it came back again. It came up to be 5 already. Why would this happening to me I thought? So, a couple of years ago I end up having 2 hernias at once which is crazy I mean, who has two of them? The Dr. said if I have another one, it would be a different surgery which will be reconstruction my abdominal wall, sounds scary right? Well it happened again, my Dr. sent me to the Cleveland Clinic where I was seen by a plastic surgeon. All the other surgeries were fast. Got out the same day but for this one I had to stay two nights and three days just for a hernia.

And that's is how I ended up here where I am today a stay at home dad.  After all the pain, things are going day to day with my issue. I am now waiting for a disability process to go through and after almost two years now... still waiting. My family supports is unbelievable. This is a tough thing to do when you have a four year old. My wife works in customer service. I used to be a store manager for a thrift sore for three years but with the hernias I guess get's in the way of your job. Of course it's frustrating not to work, stay at home to keep just not your daughter busy but yourself as well. I respect my wife for everything she has to deal with, almost six years of marriage and especially the last two. It's being a rough road, but we are taking day by day and we try to be happy (as much as we can with what we have).

There are so many techniques you could do and I have a few if anyone would like to know or maybe even start a stay at home dad club (maybe one day that would be nice). After all, we are all equal and when it comes to woman and men we are all hard workers at what ever we do. I hope this blog will help those who are in my position and if anyone would like to give their pointers as well feel free. Thank you for taking the time to read this and more to come.

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